
How We Do It

We are not only focused on the supply of lubricants products but more interested in supplying a solution to you as a business partner.


Our Service Approach

The service approach focuses primarily on exceeding our Clients’ expectations by taking a closer look at their business, the risks it faces and the way in which their risks are managed in accordance to the trusted business partner framework adopted by GASPET.

Building a sustainable business relationship with you – Our approach takes the form of a combined effort based on mutual trust in which both parties can freely express and discuss their concerns in order to foresee and solve problems before they become major issues.

Access to 3rd party experts – Our Company focuses on offering a tailored solution to address all potential opportunities/risks/concerns identified in relation to your business needs. We have an array of business partners, which are known as experts in the specific field in which teams operate as well as their specific product offering.

Flexibility – Our product and services are developed in such a manner that they can easily be adjusted to meet your needs.

Ongoing communication – Discussions with management will be held to review the level of service provided and to discuss issues affecting your business and service needs.

Quick response times – As a most valued client you are assured of speedy responses to your requests.

We are not only focused on the supply of lubricants products but more interested in supplying a solution to you as a business partner.


Our Methodology

Our methodology is primarily risk based and can be summarized as follows:


Gaining and in-depth understanding of your business
In seeking to understand your business we obtain background on the industry in which you operate, develop an understanding of your objectives and strategies, your key business processes, overall organizational and management controls, business performance and critical information flows.
Risk assessment
Identification of concerns

Research & Recommendation

Assessment of risks & concerns

Client interviews

Research on potential product and services

Identification of possible solutions

Review and recommendation of solutions

Implementation & Assistance

Assisting in the implementation of the solution directly or via our 3rd party partners.

Supply of products

All of the above is underpinned by – stakeholder management through continuous involvement and communication


We are Solution Driven

A Trusted Business Partner

As an organization, we have adapted a trusted business partner framework with all our clients.  We understand that at the outset we are providers of lubricants products, but we also have the ability to solve problems.  We want to quickly migrate into having the ability to put issues/concerns in context and to provide perspective and input wherever it pertains to the fuel environment within your business.

Be a partner to the company – It is our overall philosophy to be a Trusted Business Partner to our clients.

We as an organization believe that the days of only supplying lubricants are becoming extinct. 


It is our approach to be hands on and build relationships with our clients that are of such a nature that we are YOUR first call in the event that advice is required or in the event that you require a sounding board.

We promote a process where our clients are continuously in contact with us when it comes to both transactional and strategic support.  We have learnt through experience that this not only adds value to you as a client but also allows us the opportunity to stay abreast with your ever-changing business environment and in doing so allowing for a smoother supply of GREAT SERVICE at the RIGHT PRICE.